Putting the joy back into talking about diversity!

Diverse Joy Podcast

Diverse Joy logo against orange ombre background with a rainbow assortment of lollipops in the lower right corner.
Dr. Cox and Dr. Nelson pose for a promotional photo; he is wearing a silver blazer and glasses, she is wearing a black leather jacket and glasses. They are standing together and smiling.

Putting the joy back into talking about diversity!

In each episode, Dr. William T. L. Cox and Dr. Amber Nelson share what is bringing them joy, discuss a diversity topic, share stories, teach a bias habit-breaking skill, and give a media recommendation that will bring you joy. Their goal is educate while keeping you entertained, and most of all, to infuse joy into conversations around diversity.

Episodes release the first Wednesday of each month. In addition to hosting by Dr. Cox and Dr. Nelson, Diverse Joy is produced by Eric Roman Beining with music by Jay Arner.

Follow Diverse Joy on social media, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter/X, and Threads.

Published episodes can be found below, by following the podcast wherever you get podcasts, including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, iHeartRadio, RSSFeed, Amazon/Audible, Google Podcasts, or by subscribing to @BiasHabit on YouTube. (The audio-only podcast features the same content as the video version, minus some additional visuals.)

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We love to receive your questions and topic ideas! Or, share your own joy with us! If you have a diversity or bias-related question, or topic idea for us, submit it here, and it may be featured on a future episode!

Dr. Cox and Dr. Nelson pose for a promotional photo; he is wearing a silver blazer and glasses, she is wearing a black leather jacket and glasses. They are seated at a table and their hands are resting on the table.

Diverse Joy is sponsored in part by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under award number R35GM128888. The content is solely the responsibility of the speakers and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health. Production is also supported by donations to our nonprofit, Inequity Agents of Change.

Show your support for Diverse Joy by purchasing a Diverse Joy mug! All proceeds go towards making the show!

William Cox William Cox

S1E01: Centering Joy, and Why Non-Scientific Diversity Trainings Fail

In this premier episode, we introduce the core idea behind our podcast and why we want to emphasize and center our “Diverse Joy.” What’s bringing us joy this episode is the Star Wars Galactic Starcruiser and the new acronym for diversity work, JEDI (Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion). We also discuss the widespread issue of non-tested bias and diversity trainings, and how they often make bias problems worse. Answering our first "audience" question, we reflect on "positive biases" and whether bias is always a bad thing. To develop our JEDI skills, we learn about the habit model as a scientifically validated method of cognitive-behavioral change. Our recommendation for something bringing us joy is the NBC show “Grand Crew” starring the hilarious Nicole Byer.

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William Cox William Cox

S1E02: What is "Professional" Anyway? With Guest Sandy Eichel

With special guest Sandy Eichel, we share our joy about gardening and working with kids. We discuss ways that stale notions of "professionalism" can stifle authenticity and increase marginalization. People are happier and more productive when they can authentically express themselves through their appearance. In other words, we celebrate Sartorial Joy! We also share our perspectives on how to start diversity discussions in workplaces that aren't talking about diversity issues. To develop our bias habit-breaking skills, we learn to watch out for Norm Enforcement as one way that biases play out. Sandy's joyful recommendation is the fantastic TV show, "Schitt's Creek."

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William Cox William Cox

S1E03: Joyful Facets of Identity: Get to Know Us and Our Backgrounds!

To start off, we explain that, even though we both have doctorates, we describe ourselves as “so-called experts” because diversity and inclusion topics are ever-evolving, and there’s always more to learn. Things bringing us joy this episode are Will’s visits to the Bristol Renaissance Faire in Bristol, Wisconsin and Amber learning to make her Italian grandmother’s recipe for long sauce. Our discussion this episode focuses on our own identities and backgrounds, and we each share our stories of how we came to our career paths. As with many folks, our appearances aren’t complete indicators of our racial/ethnic identities — Amber discusses her Black and Italian heritage, and Will talks about being White and Hawaiian, as well as sharing his story about coming out as gay to his religious, Mormon family. Then we reflect on our answers to the question "Is race a social construct?". To work on our bias habit-breaking skills, we learn to watch out for Impression Justification as one way that biases can influence judgments and decision-making. Our joyful recommendation is the delightfully diverse and absolutely hilarious TV show, “Superstore.”

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William Cox William Cox

S1E04: Better Together: Disability Desegregation in Schools With Guest Nicki Vander Meulen

With special guest Nicki Vander Meulen, we share our joy about the TV show Star Trek: Lower Decks, back to school, and football season! Nicki is a lawyer focused on disability issues and the first-ever openly autistic person to be elected to a school board in the U.S., and she shares her perspectives on disability desegregation in schools. We argue that desegregation is best for not only student with disabilities, but those without disabilities as well. We also discuss language norms around disability (e.g., the difference between "person with autism" and "autistic person"). To develop our bias habit-breaking skills, we learn to Do Perspective-Taking as one powerful way to forge emotional connections to others' experiences that drives our inclusive behavior going forward. Nicki's joyful recommendation is Judy Bloom's amazing novel "Are You There, God? It's Me, Margaret".

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William Cox William Cox

S1E05: Joyful Representation of Interracial Relationships on TV

For this Halloween episode, Will and Amber are dressed up as Captain Christopher Pike (from "Star Trek: Strange New Worlds") and Lucy Ricardo (from "I Love Lucy"). Bringing us joy this October are Will and Eric Roman's annual "Hallow-Crafts Day" and Amber's traditions of visiting pumpkin patches and going apple-picking! Matching our outfits, we discuss representation of interracial relationships and racial diversity in the media, especially "I Love Lucy" and "Star Trek" (and, in true A&W fashion, we go down a rabbit hole of many others, including Brandy and Whitney Houston's "Cinderella", "Black Panther", "Wakanda Forever", "The Princess and the Frog", and "Champions"!). Representation Matters! We also discuss some of the issues surrounding actors being cast to portray people with identities they don't share. This episode's habit-breaking skill is to Broaden Your Input Via the Media, which is something we emphasize every episode, with our media recommendations! Amber's dual media recommendations for this episode are the hilarious and evergreen "I Love Lucy" and the more recent, fantastic Netflix show, "Bridgerton".

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William Cox William Cox

S1E06: Learning about Trans* and Nonbinary Identities With Guest Sandy Eichel

For this Trans* Awareness month episode, we bring back special guest Sandy Eichel, who is a transgender nonbinary person themself! We start off addressing notions of tokenism, and specifically discuss the difference between including an underrepresented voice versus tokenizing that person to speak for their whole group. This episode, we share our joy around Will’s costume room, Amber’s holiday sweater collection, and Sandy’s amazing annual Solstice Party! We discuss a variety of trans*-related issues, including pronouns, how to correct yourself if you slip up and misgender someone, and hearing about Sandy’s own journey to understand themself as a transgender and nonbinary person. This month’s habit-breaking skill is learning to Replace Stereotypes, and we learn about using the pneumonic “Detect, Reflect, Reject” as a way to retrain our automatic reactions. Sandy’s joyful media recommendation is the powerful documentary “Paris is Burning”.

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William Cox William Cox

S1E07: Finding the Joy in Cultural Humility, Responsiveness, and Justice

Amber's joy this month is everything festive, most especially the ever-expanding array of Christmas movies! Will's joy is his friend group's annual "Krampus and Crafts" tradition, where they watch the holiday comedy/horror movie "Krampus" and do a holiday craft project. This episode's discussion focuses on some common terms used in diversity discussions (cultural competency, cultural humility, and cultural responsiveness), and how to translate those concepts to practical actions. In brief, we recommend learning common ways people may see the world differently from you (cultural competence), but also recognize that we can never have complete knowledge of this (cultural humility), and we should be receptive and thoughtful in our response to listening to others’ perspectives and feedback about their experiences (cultural responsiveness). This episode's question is "What is justice?" and we discuss how to define and think about social justice in our efforts to be more inclusive. This episode's habit-breaking skill is to Consider Situational Explanations for Behavior. Amber's media recommendation for this episode is the touching and fun reality TV show, "We're Here".

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William Cox William Cox

S1E08: Being Intentional in Diversity Efforts

In this new year's episode, Will's joy is cozy winter activities, especially his friend group's weekly movie night. Amber's January joy is birthday celebrations, because her family has a lot of birthday celebrations in January. As she does in all things, Amber brings lots of themed, personalized festivity to birthday celebrations! Connecting to new year's traditions of setting new intentions, this episode's discussion topic focuses on how to be intentional in diversity efforts. We don't want diversity efforts to be something we fall backwards into; diversity and inclusion deserves forethought and intentionality. Continuing that theme, we share stories that exemplify unfortunate diversity attempts and some that are more successful. This episode's question is "How do I ask about someone's identity respectfully?", and we discuss bad ways to ask about identity and offer suggestions for more positive and respectful ways to ask about others' identities. This episode's habit-breaking skill is to Think Ahead. Bias is more likely when we're figuring things out spontaneously, and less likely if we've thought things through ahead of time. Will's media recommendation for this episode is the action-packed period piece, "Prey", which is a wildly entertaining sci-fi action flick that also showcases Comanche history, language, and culture.

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William Cox William Cox

S1E09: Joy at Every Size: Weight Bias

Will's joy this episode is "Camp Bingo", a local drag bingo event that fundraises for services for people living with HIV/AIDS, and Amber's joy is after-Valentine's candy sales! This month's episode focuses on weight bias, and Amber and Will discuss terminology for people who occupy bigger bodies, and many ways the world isn't set up for fat people, creating challenges for them. Amber shares stories related to being fat when seeking healthcare. This episode's question is "Isn't supporting fat people supporting them being unhealthy?", and in answer to that we unpack the relationship between body positivity and health, specifically challenging the notion that supporting fat people's body positivity is supporting them being unhealthy. In this discussion, Amber talks about the recent movement to champion "Health at every size". This episode's habit-breaking skill is learning to watch out for and disrupt Confirmation Bias, which results in us giving more mental weight to confirmatory evidence over disconfirmatory evidence. Amber's media recommendation is Lizzo's reality show "Watch Out for the Big Grrrls". (We also acknowledge that, after the recording of this episode, some controversy about Lizzo and that show has come to light. As of this episode's release the allegations have yet to be addressed in court.)

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William Cox William Cox

S1E10: Accommodations Help Everyone! With Guest Nicki Vander Meulen

In this Disability Awareness Month episode, we invite back lawyer Nicki Vander Meulen to talk about the history of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), especially how other movements, including the Black civil rights movement and the gay rights movement, cooperated to bring about the ADA. Nicki's joy this episode is the Marvel character Rocket Raccoon, who many see as an icon for inclusion, especially among the disability community. Amber's joy is that March is also "Disney Bounding Month", when she dresses up daily as various Disney characters, to the delight of all who know her! Will's joy is his annual tradition of throwing big theme parties for all his friends! We discuss the many protests and sit-ins related to the disability rights movement, including the 504 sit-in and the Capitol crawl, both of which succeeded in part due to solidarity and support from other rights movements. Throughout this discussion, we touch on many issues around disability and accommodations, especially highlighting how accommodations help everyone, not just people with disabilities. Nicki shares several stories related to obstacles she's faced as an autistic person with cerebral palsy, teaching us some ways people fall short in their interactions with people with disabilities, but also giving us guidance on how to do things better! This episode's question centers on why disability is not "just" a feature of people's medical conditions, but of obstacles created by a world that often overlooks differences in ability. Today's habit-breaking skill is learning to catch Untested Assumptions, which, when unchecked, serve to perpetuate biases in our minds. Nicki's joyful recommendation is the amazing "Guardians of the Galaxy" series of movies.

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William Cox William Cox

S1E11: Intersectional Joy

In this early spring episode, Will’s joy is his local Gallery Night, a festive celebration of local art and artists. Amber’s joy is cherry blossom season in the Pacific Northwest. This episode’s discussion topic is “Intersectionality”, a term that had seen widespread attention and some misunderstanding in recent years. Intersectionality is a framework for understanding how our various identities come together (i.e., intersect) in unique ways. For example, the experiences of a straight Black woman and a gay Black man will have some similarities, but also important differences. We have a better understanding of people’s experiences when we consider their many identities that intersect. This episode’s question dispels misconceptions sometimes raised in rude public discourse that intersectionality is just about “adding up” identities for victimization. In story time, Amber shares a couple of powerful stories about difficult and positive interactions she’s had with police officers, and discusses some of the nuances of being Black and dealing with the police. This month’s habit-breaking skill is to Seek Individuating Information. The more you get to know the unique details that make someone and individual, the less likely it is that stereotypes and biases will try to “fill in the gaps” in your perceptions of that person, leading to discriminatory assumptions or behaviors. Will’s joyful recommendation is the hilarious and fun woman-led musical comedy TV show “Girls5Eva”.

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William Cox William Cox

S1E12: You Can't Tell Just By Looking: Breaking Assumptions About "Gaydar"

Amber shares her joy about attending Portland's Outdoor Market, and Will's joy is his koi pond waking up after winter! This episode discusses a major topic from Will's research career: the notion of "gaydar" as a legitimizing myth that perpetuates stereotyping related to lesbian/gay/bisexual (LGB) folks. Although many people have intuitions that they believe allow them to "tell" that someone is gay/lesbian, research in this area consistently shows that those intuitions most often lead to largely inaccurate conclusions in the real world. Expanding on this notion of LGB stereotyping, Amber and Will discuss many ways this type of stereotyping perpetuates harm, and also unpack the LGB community's multifaceted relationship with its stereotypes and communicating or concealing identity. This episode's bias habit-breaking skill is learning to identify and disrupt "Attentional Spotlight", which draws your attention more strongly to evidence that supports stereotypes (and away from evidence that contradicts stereotypes). Amber's joyful recommendation this episode is the thoughtful and dynamic TV show, "Home Economics", which tackles many issues related to social class and race, while still being wildly entertaining!

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